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Latest Gemini release v7.5.0 — June 2024

Gemini v6.6.0 — Canned Responses, Search & Reporting Improvements, Enhanced Rules/Actions

Canned Responses

You can now define pre-defined responses to tickets. This allows you to create speedy replies to common queries.

Canned Responses

Searching Improvements

We have added the ability to perform a keyword search by title, description or comments only. This allows you to search for specific text in a specific area of the item.

Searching Improvements

Email Address as Follower

Users can add email addresses of users who are not part of Gemini to the followers section. This allows you to send alerts to external users who are not in Gemini.

Email Followers

Other Changes

  • added to the list of data attributes that can be exported to Excel
  • SLA status changes are now logged in the transaction history
  • Rules and Action can now be triggered by logged and remaining time
  • You can now add followers using Rules & Actions
  • When sharing a workspace you can now allow other users to sequence its items

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