Product News

Release notes and product updates

Latest Gemini release v7.5.0 — June 2024

Gemini v6.2.0 — SLA, Rules & Actions, Timesheet & QuickEntry Apps

Service Level Agreements

Gemini SLA support enables you to define different levels of customer treatment so you can meet your obligations and focus on what matters right now.

Service Level Agreements

Rules & Action

Gemini provides a sophisticated rules engine to help you define complex conditional checks with actions to route communications and set or change data.

Rules and Actions

Timesheet App

Timesheet allows you to track your recorded time online.

Timesheet App

QuickEntry App

Quick entry of Gemini items including hierarchical ordering.

Quick Entry App

Other Changes

  • Roadmap & Changelog - Row highlighting works now for Roadmap and Changelog
  • Portal Users - Portal user permissions have been fine-tuned
  • Inline Editing - “Inline Edit” for Item-Repeat was added

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